The Importance of Helpfulness: How Google’s Helpful Content Update Will Impact Your Business

Google helpful content update

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Written by Kevin McGrew

Kevin is our chief strategist and brand guru who helps our clients navigate the fast moving world of digital marketing. Ideation and monetization king. Loves God, Family and Country. Life long learner who’s powered by coffee, bourbon, and cigars.

January 12, 2023

What is Google’s December 2022 helpful content update?

Are you confused about Google’s December 2022 helpful content update? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! But don’t worry, we’re here to break it down for you in a way that even an 8th grader can understand.

First of all, it’s important to know that Google is constantly making updates to their search algorithm. This is the fancy way of saying that they’re always trying to make sure that when you search for something online, the most helpful and relevant results come up first. The December 2022 update is all about making sure that the content that comes up in search results is helpful to you.

How will the update affect businesses?

So, what does that mean for businesses? Well, if your website has a lot of information that is helpful to people searching for something related to your business, then you’re in luck! Google will see that as a good thing and your website will probably show up higher in search results. But if your website doesn’t have a lot of helpful information or if it’s hard to find what you’re looking for, then it might not do as well.

This update will mostly affect businesses that rely on content to generate leads and drive traffic to their website. This can be a wide range of businesses such as e-commerce websites, blogs, news websites and informational websites.

What type of content is considered helpful?

What kind of content is considered helpful? Google is looking for content that is informative, useful, and relevant to the user’s search. For example, if you own an ice cream shop, it’s helpful to have information on your website about your flavors, prices, and hours of operation. A blog post about the history of ice cream and different types of cones would also be considered helpful content. But having a page on your website filled with random pictures and videos of ice cream probably wouldn’t be considered helpful.

How to make sure your website’s content is easy to find?

Another important aspect of helpful content is making sure that it’s easy to find. This means that your website should have a clear navigation and a search bar. It should also be easy to read, with headings and bullet points to break up the text. This makes it easier for people to find what they’re looking for and for Google to understand what your website is about.

Tips for creating helpful content on your website.

So, how can you make sure that your website has helpful content? Here are a few tips:

  1. Make sure that your website has clear and accurate information about your products or services. This includes prices, hours of operation, and contact information.
  2. Create a blog or news section on your website and post regularly. This is a great way to add helpful content and show that your business is knowledgeable and up-to-date.
  3. Use headings, bullet points, and images to make your content easy to read and understand.
  4. Make sure that your website is easy to navigate and has a search bar.
  5. Finally, be sure to keep your website updated and check for broken links or outdated information.

The December 2022 update is all about making sure that the content that comes up in search results is helpful to users, so it’s important to make sure that your website has a lot of helpful information and that it’s easy to find. By following the tips above, you can help improve your website’s chances of showing up higher in search results.

In summary, Google’s December 2022 update is all about making sure that people searching online can find the most helpful and relevant information. This update will affect businesses that rely on content to drive traffic to their website. To make sure that your website is considered helpful, make sure it has clear and accurate information, a blog or news section, easy-to-read content, easy navigation and a search bar, and regular updates. Remember to always put your customers first and give them the best experience possible.

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